The International Review of African American Art, Vol. 19 No. 3 (2004)


Rhythm of Structure: MathArt in the African Diaspora
Published in 2004, this 64–page volume of the Hampton University Museum’s The International Review of African American Art is dedicated to the intersection of mathematics and visual art in African American art. Included in this issue are many color and black & white photographs of artists’ works, with very insightful commentaries by highly respected art reviewers.

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Juliette Harris

Guest Editor
John Sims

Executive Publisher
William R. Harvey, Ed.D.

After working on the MathArt/ArtMath exhibition, I started to survey the mathematical art of various African American artists, such as Adrian Piper, Joe Overstreet, Al Loving, Charles Gaines, and most recently Vandorn Hinnant. Their work demonstrated for me a need to examine and present the very different ways African American artists have negotiated geometry and mathematical thinking in their work. My conversation with them and Christine Louisy–Daniel, the director of the former Fire Patrol No. 5 Art in Harlem, led to the Rhythm of Sculpture: MathArt in Harlem exhibition. This show exemplified the powerful and diverse movement of mathematical artwork being produced by African American artists. This work requires recognition and inclusion into the global, critical discourse of mathematics and art.

Within the context of this auspicious moment, I am honored to introduce you to this special issue of The International Review of African American Art, “Rhythm of Structure: MathArt in African Diaspora.” This issue presents various forms of mathematical thinking and language relating to the visual cultures of African and African descended peoples.

This issue’s contributing writers and artists encourage us to perceive deeply, multi–dimensionally and critically the profound patterning and symmetry in the visible, external world. It is my hope that this issue will help generate a national discussion, especially within African American communities—in the classrooms as well as the studios and galleries—about the intersection of mathematics and art in the vitality of our visual and intellectual culture. Because it is in this space that we hear and feel the rhythm of nature and rhythm of structure that sustains our connection to the universe.

—Excerpt from “Introduction: Visual Forms in Our Rhythms” by John Sims

Feature Articles and Contributors:

“Dedication to Jeff Donaldson”, Michael D. Harris, Ph.D.

“Introduction: Visual Form in Our Rhythms”, John Sims

“Work Dance of a Rhythm Master”, Al Smith

“Women+Art+Math: Beauty and Balance, Precision n’ Sass”, Juliette Harris

“A Geometric Bridge Across the Middle Passage: Mathematics in the Art of John Biggers,” Ron Eglash, Ph.D.

“Imagining Meaning in Form to Remember Those Enslaved on This Continent”, Brent Collins

“Simon Gouverneur: Plotting a Metaphysics of MathArt”, Andrea Pollan

“Numbering: Counting On My Fingers and Toes”, Howardena Pindell

“Interweaving Art and Mathematics in African Design”, Paulus Gerdes

“Notes of a MathArtist”, John Sims

“An Alchemy of Math and Art”

Bibliographic Details

Title:                                      The International Review of African American Art

Publisher:                            The Hampton University Museum, Hampton, Virginia

Publication Date:              2004

Binding:                                Pictorial Softcover

Book Condition:                Excellent

Book Type:                          Quarterly Magazine

Shipping Terms:

All books are padded and wrapped carefully.  Most are shipped in a box, unless very small, in which case they will be shipped in a padded envelope.