The International Review of African American Art, Vol. 12 No. 1 (1995)


19th Century African American Artists of the North and West (Part 1)
Published in 1995, this 60–page volume of the Hampton University Museum’s The International Review of African American Art is part one of a three–part series that chronicles 19th century African American craft artists and artisans. Included in this issue are many color and black & white photographs of artists’ works, with very insightful commentaries by highly respected art reviewers.

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Samella Lewis, Ph.D.

Managing Editor
Juliette Bowles

Associate Editor
M. J. Hewitt, Ph.D.

Guest Editor
Juanita Marie Holland, Ph.D.

Executive Publisher
William R. Harvey, Ed.D.

I am indebted to the publisher and the managing editor of The International Review of African American Art, Jeanne Zeidler and Juliette Bowles respectively, for inviting me to be the guest editor for three issues which focus on the artistic production of African American Artists of the 19th century.

In the last twenty–five years, there have been a number of exciting and much–celebrated discoveries about some of these artists and traditions. What makes the future of African American art history even more exciting and the work even more crucial, is how much remains to be done. It has been my good fortune to become acquainted with a number of scholars whose dedicated research and commitment to excellence are daily enlarging our understanding of this rich period of African American cultural history.

It was my goal then, to present the works of some of these scholars to acquaint the reader with the most recent analysis of artists and traditions both familiar and newly–discovered, and foster the kind of thoughtful debate that is so critical to the growth of this discipline.

—Excerpt from “Introduction” by Juanita Marie Holland

Feature Articles and Contributors:

“Introduction”, Juanita Marie Holland

“To Be Free, Gifted, and Black: African Artist, Edward Mitchell Bannister”, Juanita Marie Holland

“Grafton Tyler Brown: Selling the Promise of the West”,
Lizzetta LeFalle–Collins, Ph.D.

“The Challenges of the 19th Century: Two Recent Landmark Publications in African American Visual Production”, Judith Wilson

Bibliographic Details

Title:                                      The International Review of African American Art

Publisher:                            The Hampton University Museum, Hampton, Virginia

Publication Date:              1995

Binding:                                Pictorial Softcover

Book Condition:                Excellent

Book Type:                          Quarterly Magazine


The International Review of African American Art receives major support from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

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All books are padded and wrapped carefully.  Most are shipped in a box, unless very small, in which case they will be shipped in a padded envelope.