Black Art: an International Quarterly, Vol. 3 No. 2 (1979)


Published in 1979, this 70–page volume of the Hampton University Museum’s Black Art: an International Quarterly (predecessor to The International Review of African American Art) is dedicated to the careers of Senegalese artist Souleymane Keita, James E. Newton and Merton Simpson. Also covered in this issue are the arts of ancient Nubia and the Sudan, and the influence of these arts on the New Orleans art scene; the symbolism and imagery in the works of African American artists and Bayei basketry; and the confluence of Egyptian and Nubian art at the New Orleans Museum of Art. Included in this issue are many color and black & white photographs of artists’ works, and very insightful commentaries by highly respected art reviewers.

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Val Spaulding

Art Editor
Samella Lewis, Ph.D.

Managing Editor
Jan Jemison

Feature Articles and Contributors:

“African in Antiquity: The Arts of Ancient Nubia and the Sudan Go to New Orleans”, M.J. Hewitt, Ph.D.

“Merton Simpson, Artist”, Alvin C. Hollingsworth

Profile—James E. Newton”

“Image/Symbol Control in the Black Arts”, Donn Granville Davis

“The Confluence of Egyptian and Nubian Art: News from the New Orleans Museum of Art”

“Souleymane Keita: Senegalese Artist”, Faye Rice

“Symbolic Design in Bayei Basketry”, Rhoda Levinsohn

Bibliographic Details

Title:                                      Black Art: an International Quarterly

Publisher:                            Black Art, Ltd., Jamaica, New York

Publication Date:              1979

Binding:                                Pictorial Softcover

Book Condition:                Good

Book Type:                          Quarterly Magazine


Made possible, in part, by grants from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the Exxon Corporation, and Time, Inc.

Shipping Terms:

All books are padded and wrapped carefully.  Most are shipped in a box, unless very small, in which case they will be shipped in a padded envelope.